I had hoped that this project might appeal to Coffee Black Productions, and that by being Playlab NYC's first co-production that it would help our growth by building bridges to another company, and letting us put a toe in Brooklyn. Coffee Black had been producing a variety of readings in coffee shops around Brooklyn. given their collections of monologues and their plans for a multiple author retelling of the story of Persephone this seemed like a good project for us to pool resources. Alas it does not appear that Mike or Carrie would be interested in the project.
If there is to be a future for Intellectual Property I need to use this casual reading to find some clarity. Rather than focusing on fan-fiction and mash-ups of two different pop culture phenomenon, I need to stick with pieces that marry pop culture to a specific playwright or theater style. I will need to let some of the less focused contributions go, and will need to seek out some new selections. Because I didn't think that enough of the submissions that resulted from our playbill ad back in 2008 hit the mark, we will need to try a new tactic. I would like to get in touch with some playwrights whose work Jennifer and I enjoyed at last year's New York International Fringe Festival and see if they would like to contribute. There are also a couple short plays that I had been avoiding because they were published and I wanted to focus on newer works.