Robert Leeds ("Bob" to those in the know) is returning to FringeNYC with us having appeared in last summer's
Professor Ralph's Loss of Breath. Bob is playing Altoona Dada Society Anti-Artistic Director Frank Rector.
We are very happy to have Mr. Leeds back with us, as long as he refrains from improvising soliloquies from
Macbeth during performance. We decided to test his patience by conducting a little thing we are calling our Dada Interview.
1.) Finish this sentence: Dada is...
Bob: Dada is windowsill.
2.) What did Anton Chekhov taste like?
Bob: A cherry orchard.
3.) Do we like you?
Bob: That should correctly read: Do we, as you? And as I, you do.
4.) Tell us who your influences are without using the letters "i" or “c”.
Bob: Osar Wlde, Dorothy Parker, P.G. Woodhouse, Ra Gershwn, Ole Porter, Stephen Sondhem, and Marel Mareau.
5.) Describe the show as a flavor of Ice Cream.
Bob: Rocky Road.
6.) Is the sky blue? Why?
Bob: 42.