Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dada Interview with Johnson Chong

Johnson Chong (who does not seem to be known as "Bob" by those in the know) was with Playlab NYC's first production, The Tempest in June 2008. Johnson is playing a Dada newcomer, Zachary Hicks. Zachary in turn is playing the man of the hour, the Velvet Gentleman himself, Erik Satie.
The remaining members of the Altoona Dada Society don't know much about Zachary. He answered an online ad looking for new Anti-Artists, and he makes his stage debut with them in The Velvet Gentleman.

The members of Playlab NYC could not be happier to have Johnson back with us. During our first rehearsal we asked him to participate in our little Dada Interview.

1.) Finish this sentence: Dada is...

Johnson: Dada is the Virgin Mary, virtuous and holy

2.) What was Anton Chekhov’s shoe size?

Johnson: 10.5

3.) Do we like you?

Johnson: I think you like me. But we can never be sure of these kinds of things. I hope so.

4.) Tell us who your influences are without using the letters "i" or “c”.

Johnson: Shree mata amreetanandamayee, god, mom and dad, patanjalee

5.) Describe the show with either a biblical passage or a passage from Shakespeare.

Johnson: "All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages."

Jacques, As You Like It Act 2, scene 7,

6.) What are we having for dinner?

Johnson: There is no God.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dada Interview with Molly Garber

Our relationship with Molly Garber predates Playlab NYC, having been a part of The Red Door Theatre Company's production of Macbeth, directed by Kevin P. Hale. Since then she has been a part of The Tempest and Perfectly Natural. In The Altoona Dada Society Presents the Velvet Gentleman, Molly plays ADS member Eileen Crispin and artist Suzanne Valadon.

Molly is one of Playlab NYC's Lab Assistants. The Lab Assistants are associate artists of our company. They are our sounding board, our advocates, and our ambassadors. Molly has done a wonderful job being all three for Playlab NYC, and we might be lost without her.

1.) Finish this sentence: Dada is...

Molly: Dada is a hidden question.

2.) What was William Shakespeare’s shoe size?

Molly: obviously the man was compensating for something... 7

3.) What shouldn't we know about you?

Molly: I love chocolate covered raisins but not Raisinettes.

4.) Tell us who your influences are without using the letters "i" or “c”.

Molly: My influences are Peter, Paul, and Mary.

5.) Explain the show using only the names of exercises and alcoholic beverages

Molly: Reverse downward facing dog.

6.) What fish did you see today?

Molly: Mamma Mia

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dada Interview with Trevor Dallier

Trevor Dallier is the sound designer for our upcoming FringeNYC production. Jennifer Wilcox and Kevin Hale first encountered the wonderful sound stylings of Mr. Dallier earlier this year when they attended Wide Eyed Productions' Noah's Arkansas.

Playlab NYC is very happy to have Trevor working as part of the design team for the show. The Altoona Dada Society Presents The Velvet Gentleman is sure too be our most complicated sound design so far.

In addition to being a designer Trevor is also an actor. We conducted this interview via email as he was wrapping up a successful run in Henry VI, Part 3.

1.) Finish this sentence: Dada is...

Trevor: Dada is abominable. The way they handled it could have been a little more graceful. And we all know if there hadn't been cameras around, they would have done even less!

2.) What did William Shakespeare taste like?

Trevor: I'm thinking he did not taste much like soap. I would have to say that he tasted like someone who has gone through numerous tech's without air conditioning and without showering. Maybe the most accurate description would be: "sweat."

3.) What shouldn't we know about you?

Trevor: Well, that's none of your business.

4.) Tell us who your influences are without using the letters "i" or “c”.

Trevor: The people and groups who have granted muse to me are: Mojo Johnson, Tom Hanks, Ness, mom, WEP and Seymour Hoffman.

5.) How would you explain the show in three gestures to Playlab NYC's four-year-old Props Artisan?

Trevor: "Piano playing gesture," "eyes covered gesture," "spinning in circles."

6.) What is your Altoona Society Name?

Trevor: That's a tricky question. I would like to say it is black and white, but there some grey area. You obviously have the King of the Jungle, the Lion! But what about the elephant, who never forgets? I even want to throw out any type of primate, most likely the ape or the chimpanzee, who are most like their human brethren. "But what about creatures of the sea?!" you might ask me. Well, the whale, with it's varied, beautiful and extremely complicated language certainly deserves note, as well as their smaller, air-breathing counterparts, the dolphin. In conclusion, please ask someone else. Perhaps a biologist? Or a marine biologist?